We are very excited to share our new website with you! We have been working with Relish New Brand Experience over the past 6 months to completely redesign the look, function, and content of our website, and we’re so happy that it’s finally complete!
This redesign was undertaken for a few reasons – one of which was to make sure that the project was easy to understand and access, as the work we do can sometimes be complex and complicated. This meant breaking things down into easy to understand categories, and taking a large amount of information and making it easily digestible.
We also wanted to make sure that the website provided an interactive and engaging experience, which is something that we have always used our social media accounts to achieve in the past through photos, videos, and project updates. Social media is a great tool, but if not checked regularly (or at all for those who do not use social media) then sometimes really important content can get missed. To solve this, we included an app on our front page that compiles all of our social media content in one place, so you can simply visit our website to see exactly what’s happening with the project at any given time.
Another exciting new tool on our website is one that Relish has created for us in order to share and archive our research documents. It’s very user-friendly and it allows anyone to access the reports, tools, and documents we have published in order to share our learnings and inform future policy and work done in these areas of focus.
As for the new look of the website, we feel that it reflects the characteristics of the project: bold, innovative, and community-driven. You’ll be seeing more of this aesthetic in our forthcoming prototype documents and future materials.
We would love to hear your feedback on our website! Feel free to get in touch with us on social media or through our contact form to let us know what you think!